december 28, 2009


Nem bírtam megállni, hogy még egy párat ide ne hurcoljak. Ezek azok az idézetek, amik az előző listából kimaradtak, de sajnálnám, ha a blogból is kimaradnának. (Az előzőek ITT) Most rangsorolás nélkül, filmek szerint:

The Wrath of Khan:

"Chekov, who is this man?"
(Terrell, on Khan)

"Ah, Kirk, my old friend, do you know the Klingon proverb that tells us revenge is a dish best served cold? It is very space."

"Scotty, what's left?"
"Just the battery, sir. I can have auxiliary power in a few minutes."
"We don't have a few minutes!"
(Kirk and Scott)

"No, Kirk. The game's not over. To the last I will grapple with thee."

"Engine room... well done, Scotty!"
"Jim - I think you...better get down here."
"Better... hurry!"
"Saavik, take the conn!"
(Kirk and McCoy)

Search for Spock:

"Don't call me tiny."

"And... now, Mr Scott!"
"The doors, Mr. Scott."
"Aye, sir, I'm working on it!"
(Kirk and Scotty)

"How're we doing?"
"'How are we doing?' Funny you should put it quite that way, Jim. We are doing fine. But I'd feel safer giving him one of my kidneys than what's scramblin' my brain."
(Kirk and McCoy)

"You should beam the Vulcan up too."
"But why?"
"Because you wish it."
(Kirk and Kruge)

The Voyage Home:

"Admiral Kirk has been charged with nine violations of Starfleet regulations."
"Starfleet regulations! That's outrageous! Remember this well! There shall be no peace as long as Kirk lives!"
(Federation president and Klingon ambassador)

"Did... did you see that!?"
"No, and neither did you, so shut up!"
(Two sanitation workers)

"Hey, why don't you watch where you're going, you dumbass!"
"Well, a double dumbass on you!"
(A car driver and Kirk)

"Back in the sixties he used to be part of the free speech movement at Berkeley. I think he did a little too much LDS
(Kirk and Gillian Taylor)

"Wait a minute... how did you know Gracie is pregnant, nobody knows that."
"Gracie does."
(Gillian Taylor and Spock)

"Ah – a keyboard! How quaint!"

"You’re not one of those guys from the military, trying to teach whales to retrieve torpedoes, or some dipshit stuff like that?”
"No ma’am, no dipshit.”
(Gillian Taylor and Kirk)

"Admiral – there be whales here!"

"My friends... we've come home."

"Helm ready, captain."
"All right Mr. Sulu, let's see what she's got."
(Sulu and Kirk)

The Final Frontier:

"Borgus frat! 'Let's see what she's got' said the captain. And then we found out, didn't we?"

"Re-re-red alert!"
"I just fixed that damn thing!"

"Bridge... I hope."
(Kirk responding to the turbolift)

"Hello, boys. I've always wanted to play to a captive audience."

"Oh, there's nothing amazing about it. I know this ship like the back of my hand..."

"I... thought I was gonna die."
"Not possible. You were never alone."
"Please, captain... not in front of the Klingons."
(Kirk and Spock)

The Undiscovered Country:

"Do we report this, sir?"
"Are you kidding?"
(Janice Rand and Sulu)

"Guess who's coming to dinner!"

"I've never trusted Klingons and I never will. I can never forgive them for the death of my boy."

"This president is not above the law."
(Federation President)

"Four hundred years ago on the planet Earth, workers who felt their livelihood threatened by automation flung their wooden shoes called sabots into the machines to stop them. Hence the word sabotage."
(Valeris to Chekov and Uhura)

"Perhaps you know the Russian epic of Cinderella? If shoe fits, wear it!"


"Just who the hell are you?"
"He's James T. Kirk. Don't you read history?"
(Soran and Picard)

"What's 'normal'?"
"What's normal? Well, that's a very good question. Normal is what everyone else is and you are not."
(Geordi and Soran)

First Contact:

"You do remember how to fire phasers...?"
(Riker to Worf)

„I gotta take a leak."
"Leak? I'm not detecting any leak."
"Don't people from the 24th century ever pee?"
"Oh. Leak! I get it. That's pretty funny!"
(Zefram Cochrane and La Forge)

"Assimilate THIS!" ("this": Enterprise's deflector dish)

"If you were any other man, I would kill you where you stand!"
(Worf threatening Picard)

"In my century, we don't succumb to revenge. We have a more evolved sensibility."
(Picard and Lily)

"And he piled upon the whale's white hump the sum of all the race and hate felt by his whole race. If his chest had been a cannon, he would have shot his heart upon it."
"Moby Dick."
"Actually, I never read it."
"Ahab spent years hunting the white whale that crippled him - in a quest for vengeance - but, in the end, it destroyed him, and his ship."
"I guess he didn't know when to quit."
(Picard and Lily)

"So much for the Enterprise-E."
"We barely knew her."
"Do you think they'll build another?
"Plenty of letters left in the alphabet."
(Crusher and Picard)

"Are you all right?"
"I would imagine I look worse than I... ha.........feel."
(Picard and Data)

"Helm standing by."
"Mr. Data, lay in a course for the 24th century. I suspect our future is there waiting for us."
"Course laid in, sir."
"Make it so."
(Data and Picard)


"Commander Worf! What the hell are you doing here?"

"Federation support, Federation procedures, Federation rules... look in the mirror, admiral... the Federation is old... in the last twenty four months, it's been challenged by every major power in the quadrant – the Borg
, the Cardassians, the Dominionion... they all smell the scent of death on the Federation. That's why you've embraced our offer... because it will give your dear Federation new life."

"Mr. Worf, do you know Gilbert and Sullivan?"
"No sir, I have not had a chance to meet all of the new crewmembers since I've been back."
"They're composers, Worf. From the nineteenth century."

”Counselor, do you think it's possible for two people to go back in time? Fix a mistake they made?"
"On this ship, anything's possible.
"I've never kissed you with a beard before."
"I kiss you and you say yuck?"
(Riker and Troi)


"You've earned a friend in the Romulan Empire today, captain. I hope the first of many."

"You ever think about getting married again?"
"No... 23 was my limit."
(La Forge and Guinan)

"Never saw the sun, shining so bright,
Never saw things, going so right...
Noticing the days, hurrying by,
When you're in love, my how they fly, oh...
Blue skies...
Smiling at me... nothing but
Blue skies...
Do I see..."

"Irving Berlin..."
(Worf after Data started to sing)

11 megjegyzés:

  1. Höhö :D Gondoltam hogy nem állod meg és kiírsz még párat :D Nagyon jók ;)

  2. Hehehe... Ezek megvoltak, csak kiszedtem őket az eredeti listából. És tényleg nem álltam meg :-D

  3. Ó, az Assimilate THIS hogy maradhatott ki a százból! És ami a legnagyobb szégyen: HOGY NEM VETTEM ÉSZRE, hogy kimaradt!
    Károly Peti barátommal úgy isszuk a sört, hogy előtte összefejelünk, mint a klingonok, majd a magasba emelt sörre azt mondjuk: Assimilate THIS, és úgy asszimiláljuk! És akinek ezt elmesélem, onnantól kezdve mindenki így tesz!

  4. De azt észrevettem, csak azért írtam százat, hogy megspóroljak három betűt :)
    (Egyébként az a kötsög io9 nem válaszolt, ahogy a Topless Robot sem. Nyomom a fülükbe. Nem is érdemelnek ilyen fasza listát.)

  5. Háhá, én vagyok Az Időutas! Megelőzi a kommentem, ami a te kommentedre adott válasz, a te kommentedet, amint kommentáltam!

  6. Úgy maradt ki, hogy kivettem az eredetileg közel 200-as listából. Fájó szívvel, de megtettem. És igen! Nem vetted észre! :-D (Ezek szerint azt sem, hogy nem 100, hanem 110 lett az első adag :-P) Mondjuk ennyi között nem is csoda, hogy átsiklottál e fölött a hatalmas hiba fölött.

    Ó, szerintem a blogolvasók között sok sörivó van, találsz követőkre itt is :-)

    Most már majd egyszer elárulnád, hogy mi a búbánat az az io9? A linktől, amit Kiha küldött, nem lettem okosabb.

  7. Mert kergetjük egymást, na! :-)

  8. Vagy mert mindig elém tolakodsz :-P

  9. Olyasmi, mint az sfportal, csak angolul és nagyba.

  10. Agyonszerkesztgetted a kommentedet, már nincs benne a listás felszólítás, ami még az elsőben nem volt, a másodikban már de, a harmadikban meg mégsem, de én azért mondom, hogy idézetes listát már nem írok, a tiéd tökéletes, mondjuk Star Warsból folyamatban van egy; nem ennyire alapos, de megcsinálom tematikusra, viszont folyamatban van egy A legjobb csajok a TOS-ből, az jó lesz az!

  11. Aha! Végre sejtem, mi az az io9!
    Ha nem reagálnak, hát nem reagálnak, végülis nem nekik írtam, hanem a blogra járóknak, ők meg olvasták/olvassák :-) Azért köszi, hogy írtál nekik, lehet, hogy majd a saját weboldalamra felteszem mind a 160-at.

    (Nem agyonszerkesztettem a kommentemet, csak átírtam. Próbálok jó házigazda lenni. Néha nem könnyű... És tényleg nagy meló volt 10 filmet végignézni, kijegyzetelni, válogatni, rangsorolni, formába önteni, fotókat vadászni hozzá...)
